Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The world of Haikyo, or modern ruins, is a facinating one.
As a child I remember playing in an abandoned milk processing factory where the blue tin foil milk bottle lids lined the floor up to my knees in some places. The place (in the industrial area of Mackay Nth QLD in the 80s) was creepy and exciting. The industrial scale and rusting plant equipment was a source of facination and to this day the memory of the building is vivid.
The idea of exploring Haikyo and recording them before they disappear into the ocean of redevelopment is a great one...particularly in Japan where there seems to be a endless source of amazing modern ruins. Here is a link to one site on the subject http://www.michaeljohngrist.com/ruins-gallery/ there are many more sites around and a bunch of books printed in Japan. Pictured above is the soon to be removed Nakagin Capsule Hotel in Shimbashi.

Time for some Haikyo hunting to take place in Brisbane! More to follow soon.